Kaya sleeping

This is Kaya, who Gail was looking after for a while. He’s quite old (for a dog) and mostly just sleeps—which is really great for drawing. I made quite a few of him.

Drawn in ink with a bamboo dip pen, a Rotring Artpen, and coloured pencil (purple).

A whole new level

A whole new level. The rise of populist thinking. Left to right: Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Geert Wilders (hair only) and Marie Le Pen. Made in ink, pencil, charcoal, pen, gel pen and graphite.

Portrait night

Portrait night with Dudley Svendsgaard. Two charcoal, gel pen, pencil and grey colour pencil portraits from a wine-bar opening in Amsterdam. Why did I give away the original of the top portrait? Wine, that’s why.