Jonny Dymond on the news

I don’t know what it is about bald men with worried faces. But they’re always so good to draw. I saw this guy speaking on the BBC News (I think he’s a Royal correspondence or something) and I knew I had to draw him. Luckily I got a few shots to work from while he was speaking.

Things on the fridge

Things on top of the fridge. This was one of the first attempts for an idea of random still life drawings. The unplanned, random arrangements of things as they appear on various surfaces around the home. For some reason there always seems to be a pair of pliers in there. Drawn in ink, gel pen, pencil and colour pencil.

Lifting bridge at Wormerveer

This ink and wash sketch, with red pencil and black ink pen, was drawn really quickly in the near-dark outside Café Batavia in Wormerveer. At the time I felt it was a bit unfinished but it turned out to be one of my favourites. It has a sort of Japanese calligraphy look to it, which I like.