“Hello mum, you alright? Yeah I’m OK thanks. Mum, is your laptop on? No? Oh, no worries. I was just wondering if you could look something up for me? Yes. Well, could you find out what the emergency number is here? That’s right, the emergency one. I can’t remember what they use here. Could you look it up and ring me back? Brilliant. No, no, everything’s fine. No really. I was just curious, that’s all. Okay. Lovely stuff. I’ll speak to you in a minute then. Thanks mum. Bye for now. Cheerio. Bye. Bye.”
Blue trees on Nieuwe Bildtdijk
Two versions of another scene along Nieuwe Bildtdijk.
Nieuwe Bildtdijk again
Nieuwe Bildtdijk vandaag
Korzybski’s structural differential
This one started out innocently enough: a little drawing of a mother in law’s tongue plant. But along the way it swelled into a depiction of Korzybski’s structural differential—the idea that you can never truly know anything, only a very filtered version of it. Information comes in, information goes out, while most of it just floats away.