Lemons from seeds

Happy little lemons tree—two versions: black and grey ink and HB pencil on white, and white gouache and white pencil on black paper.

Another experiment growing stuff from fruit I’ve eaten.

Oaks from seeds

Happy little oak trees: white gouache and white pencil on black paper, and black and grey ink and HB pencil on white.

Two little oak trees from acorns I kept from a visit to England last September.

Apple from seed

Happy little apple tree—two versions: white gouache and white pencil on black paper, and black and grey ink and HB pencil on white.

Lately I’ve been trying to grow plants from seeds I keep from supermarket fruit. This is one of the first that came alive. It blows me away that these things happen. It took six months to go from the seed to this plant, so you have time to get used to it. If it happened in six seconds, you would scream wow every time.

Cyanotype painting

Another cyanotype experiment. This time I tried painting something with the cyanotype solution itself.

On the first version, the plant faded to a grey-blue over a few days. Maybe it wasn’t out in the sun long enough. But the two dark blue ones look better—they each got a ton of sun.