Avocado from seed

Happy little avocado tree—two versions: black and grey ink and HB pencil on white, and white gouache and white pencil on black paper.

Another of my growing-stuff-from-fruit-I’ve-eaten experiments

Apple from seed

Happy little apple tree—two versions: white gouache and white pencil on black paper, and black and grey ink and HB pencil on white.

Lately I’ve been trying to grow plants from seeds I keep from supermarket fruit. This is one of the first that came alive. It blows me away that these things happen. It took six months to go from the seed to this plant, so you have time to get used to it. If it happened in six seconds, you would scream wow every time.

Sunday linocut

A self-portrait in ink on linoleum. I don’t have a printing press, so I haven’t made a print of this yet. This is a scan of the cut linoleum with ink rolled on. The rest is simply shady.

El Matador

This one had a long gestation period. I drew the figure and the foreground plant when I still lived in Osdorp, sometime in 2016 . Then I came across it the other day and realised what it really needed was a bull.

Shiver for me now

Here we go. Leadbelly and Robert Johnson. I’m not sure if these two ever met, but they do here. I love Leadbelly. When I had to have my appendix out in a hurry a few years back, all I could think about was listening to Leadbelly again. Anyway.

‘Shiver for me now’. This is number 4 in my ‘Date night‘ series—drawings of people I’d love to spend a few hours with. Imaginary meet ups with unlikely people across time.