Waiting for a plant to grow

Waiting for a plant to grow, with high hopes. A pencil, ink and charcoal sketch from one of the first really sunny days of the year. I had this idea to draw a single plant from seed to mature plant, but the idea got derailed for some reason. I might still go back to it.


Testing out a new sketchbook in Engelum, which is near Leeuwarden. The sketchbook seems to work just fine. Drawn with grey ink and pencil.

Somerset drug dealers

This image was based upon a real police handout showing convicted drug dealers in Somerset in the UK. The range of faces fascinated me.

It was also my first real attempt using the very-impressive Kyle brushes, which are the best digital brushes I’ve used. The ones that come with Photoshop are OK, but these are really pleasurable to use.

Edmundo at it again

This is Edmundo at it again. This time in the Starbucks at Amsterdam Central Station. If you’re drawing someone who’s moving, you just need to find the position they keep returning to. Then concentrate on that.

This is drawn in pencil, graphite, gel pen, biro, and grey colour pencil.
(Click for a closer look).