Drawing of my ex-neighbour, Piet, in Wormerveer. Piet sold me the house in Goudastraat, though I try not to hold that against him anymore. I think he’s in Alkmaar now, but I’m not sure.
Metal guru is it true? An evening in the pub with Eckhart Tolle and Sadhguru. I’d love that. I’m not sure that Eckhart Tolle drinks beer, and I’m not sure Sadhguru smokes roll-ups but, hey, it’s my drawing.
Terry Collins. For years, Terry was one of the tallest things you could find in Jakarta. I made this picture to celebrate his 30 years there. One morning, about a year later, I got an email saying Terry was gone. Then, later still, I heard they’d used this picture at his memorial service.
This is Kaya, who Gail was looking after for a while. He’s quite old (for a dog) and mostly just sleeps—which is really great for drawing. I made quite a few of him.
Drawn in ink with a bamboo dip pen, a Rotring Artpen, and coloured pencil (purple).